
Connect the system with other software for data exchange.

Activity Dashboard

View a central hub for tracking hiring activities and progress.

Activity Tracking

Monitor all actions taken within the applicant tracking system.

Advertising Management

Manage job postings across various platforms.


Receive updates on important events like new applications or interview scheduling.

Applicant Tracking

Track the entire hiring process for each candidate.

Application Management

Organize and manage incoming job applications.

Approval Process Control

Set up workflows for approvals during the hiring process (e.g., hiring manager sign-off).


Assessment Management

Create, deliver, and track candidate assessments.

Background Screening

Integrate background check services with the hiring process.

Boolean Search

Utilize advanced search techniques to find qualified candidates.

Calendar Management

Schedule interviews and manage team calendars.

Calendar Sync

Synchronize the system calendar with other calendar applications.


Candidate Management

Manage all aspects of the candidate journey.

Candidate Profiles

View detailed profiles of each applicant.

Candidate Tracking

Track the progress of candidates through the hiring process.

Careers Page

Create and manage a branded careers page to attract talent.

Collaboration Tools

Facilitate communication and teamwork among hiring teams.


Add comments and notes to candidate profiles for better collaboration.

Communication Management

Streamline communication with candidates throughout the hiring process.

Compliance Management

Ensure adherence to relevant hiring regulations.

Compliance Tracking

Track compliance with hiring regulations.

Customizable Branding

Tailor the system's appearance to match your company brand.

Customizable Fields

Create custom fields to capture specific candidate information.


Customizable Reports

Generate reports tailored to your specific hiring needs.



Customizable Templates

Create and use pre-defined templates for emails, job descriptions, and other documents.

Data Import/Export

Transfer data to and from the system for easy migration or analysis.

Discount Management

Manage discount codes for different pricing plans.


Facilitate discussions or forums for internal hiring team communication.

Email Alerts

Receive email notifications for important events.

Email Management

Manage all email communication related to the hiring process.

Email Marketing

Send targeted emails to potential candidates.


Email Templates

Create and use pre-written email templates for communication with candidates.

Feedback Management

Gather and manage feedback on candidates throughout the interview process.



Full Text Search

Easily search through candidate applications and other text data within the system.

HR Management

Tools to manage various HR functions like recruiting and onboarding.

Internal Chat Integration

Connect the system with internal chat platforms for team communication.

Internal HR

Tools specific to internal HR processes, potentially separate from recruiting.


Interview Management

Schedule, manage, and track interviews.

Interview Practice Session

Facilitate practice interview sessions for candidates (or hiring managers).

Interview Scheduling

Schedule interviews with candidates and hiring teams.

Job Application Management

Organize and manage incoming applications for job openings.

Job Management

Oversee the entire job posting and recruitment lifecycle.

Job Posting

Publish job openings across various platforms.

Job Requisition

Initiate the process of hiring for a new position.

Jobs Board

Distribute job postings to online job boards.

Live Video Interview

Conduct video interviews with candidates remotely.

Matching Engine

Recommend suitable candidates based on their qualifications and job requirements.

Mobile Access

Access the system and manage hiring activities from a mobile device.



Support the system interface and job postings in multiple languages.


Manage the process of integrating new hires into the company.

Panel Interviews

Conduct interviews with multiple interviewers on a panel.


Performance Management

Tools to track and manage employee performance (separate from recruiting).

Performance Metrics

Define and track measures of employee performance (separate from recruiting).

Pipeline Management

Track the progress of candidates through different stages of the hiring process.

Pre-recorded Messages

Utilize pre-recorded video messages for introductions or interview questions.

Question Library

Create and store a library of interview questions for future use.

Real Time Reporting

Access up-to-date reports on your hiring activity and progress.

Recruiting Firms

Manage partnerships and collaboration with external recruiting agencies.

Recruitment Management

Oversee the entire hiring process from job posting to offer letter.

Referral Tracking

Track employee referrals and credit them for successful hires (if applicable).


Set alerts for upcoming deadlines and tasks related to the hiring process.

Resume Database

Store and manage a central repository of candidate resumes.

Resume Parsing

Extract key information from resumes to streamline candidate evaluation.


Resume Posting

Publish resumes of qualified candidates to relevant job boards or platforms

Resume Search

Easily find relevant candidates within your resume database.

Resume Storage

Securely store candidate resumes for future reference.


Search and filter through candidate profiles based on specific criteria.

Self Service Portal

Empower candidates to access job postings, submit applications, and manage their application status independently.


Session Recording

Record video interviews for future reference or evaluation.

Skill Assessment & Scoring

Evaluate candidate skills through tests or assessments with automated scoring.


Skills Assessment

Design and administer assessments to gauge candidate skills.


Social Media Integration

Connect with social media platforms to find and attract potential candidates.

Social Recruiting

Utilize social media platforms for recruitment efforts.


Add labels or keywords to candidate profiles for better organization and search.

Talent Acquisition

Attract, identify, and hire qualified candidates.

Task Management

Assign and track tasks related to the hiring process for improved organization.

Third-Party Integrations

Connect the system with other relevant software applications.

Two-Way Audio & Video

Conduct video interviews with real-time audio and video communication.

Video Call Recording

Connect the system with internal chat platforms for team communication.

Workflow Management

Automate repetitive tasks within the hiring process for efficiency.